Our soil is degrading, droughts increasing and once fertile land turning into desert. But there are glimmers of hope: watch this documentary series to explore seven places where people are reviving land, coasts and rivers. These are the seven new UN World Restoration Flagships. Get inspired and join #GenerationRestoration. You can catch new episodes every Tuesday, leading up to World Environment Day on June 5! 


23 Apr 2024

RESTORE: The High Andes

In the high Andes of Latin America, hundreds of communities are uniting across five countries to secure water sources and save the global climate. Learn how they do it – and why an old tree is a secret weapon in their fight.  

30 Apr 2024

RESTORE: The Wave Breakers

In 2004, Sri Lanka was hit by a devastating tsunami. Coastal areas with mangrove trees were more protected – so mass planting started. And failed. Watch how the country learned, adapted, and succeeded in the end! 

7 May 2024

RESTORE: The Land of Tigers and People

Nepal’s Terai Arc Landscape is one of the last places where tigers, elephants, rhinos, and humans co-exist. In recent years, the country’s tiger population tripled – and attacks were on the rise. Learn how the region found a strategy to balance nature and development.  

14 May 2024

RESTORE: From Fires to Forests

Across the Mediterranean region, droughts are on the rise and forests burning. People are stepping up to the challenge: From fighting fires to preventing them. Learn how they do it.  

21 May 2024

RESTORE: Africa’s Forest Gardens

Sometimes the biggest global changes are driven by many local leaders. Africa’s smallholder farmers, for example. Hundreds of thousands are now coming together to revive their lands – by tuning dried up monoculture plots into forest gardens. Learn how it works!  

28 May 2024

RESTORE: Africa’s Drylands

45% of Africa’s land is threatened by desertification. Yet there are solutions that bring hope – like Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) and wild enclosures. Watch how people are taking the lead in implementing them, as part of the Regreening Africa initiative.  

4 Jun 2024

RESTORE: The Living Indus

Year after year, Pakistan is hit by devastating floods. The Living Indus Initiative wants to change that – by restoring 25 million hectares of the country’s most important river. Watch how the river – a cradle of civilizations – turns into a beacon of hope for the future.