Ecosystems are the web of life on Earth. They comprise of all the living organisms, the interactions among them and with their surroundings. They exist, from a grain of soil to the entire planet, and include forests, rivers, wetlands, grasslands, estuaries and coral reefs. Natural ecosystems are important for our physical and mental health, and for our identity. They are home to precious wildlife. For many, they are a source of wonder and spirituality. Choose an ecosystem, journey through it to understand it's complex web and the benefits it provides to us.

From sprawling sands to rugged mountains and dizzying salt flats, all deserts have one thing in common...
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A third of the Earth’s surface is covered by forests. Find out why they matter...
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Although mountains make up just around 25% of Earth’s land area, they are home to more than 85% of...
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Explore just a few of these mysterious ecosystems to understand what makes them so unique...
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Coral reef ecosystems cover just 0.1 per cent of the ocean. Find out why they matter...
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Journey through Savannah ecosystems in three unique locations around the world...
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