The SARR conference will synthesise multi-disciplinary global research advances on river restoration and identify critical knowledge gaps. Scientists worldwide can present their work, discuss ideas, create new collaborations and help advance river restoration science to inform real world solutions.

By attending SARR, delegates will have the opportunity to witness talks delivered by global leaders in river restoration, including Prof. Kirstie Fryirs (Macquarie University, Australia), Prof. Phil Boon (Freshwater Biological Association, UK) and Prof. Ellen Wohl (University of Colorado, USA). We have also liaised with the handling editors of River Research and Applications and Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems about potentially establishing special issues based on research presented at SARR. To ensure this happens, we need your abstract submissions and willingness to contribute after SARR.

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To submit your own events focused on ecosystem restoration or the UN Decade, click here.

Kindly share details of any upcoming events related to ecosystem restoration or the UN Decade through our designated form for proper scheduling and coordination. Events that are approved will be promptly posted on

Organized by: Scientific Advances in River Restoration (SARR)

Fecha del evento: 6 - 8 Sep 2023

Event Location: Liverpool University, Liverpool, UK

Categoría del evento: Conference

Modalidad: In-person