

Remediating the large volumes of contaminated agricultural soil in Central Asia will need cost-effective approaches, to have a realistic chance to be implemented. Since the issue is a very big challenge in the region, and the disposal of the contaminated soil is not a cost-effective solution to scale-up considering the amount and geographical distribution of the contaminated soils in the region, there should be a new approach to address this significant issue. Therefore, the bio- and phyto- remediation of the pesticide-contaminated soils come forward as a liable and applicable solution. Within the respect of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)-funded and FAO-managed project “Lifecycle Management of Pesticides and Disposal of POPs Pesticides in Centrasian countries and Türkiye”, there have been remediation trials in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan for couple of years. Through this international conference, the results of trials will be explained while prominent experts will share their different experiences in remediation processes in a variety of settings, which provides a good opportunity for introduction of remediation options and knowledge and experience sharing among stakeholders.

On 16 April 2024, the international conference will be carried out hybrid basis and it will be an open conference allowing all interested audiences to join via Zoom. 

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Organized by: FAO

Date of Event: 16 Apr 2024

Time of Event: 09:00:AM - 05:30:PM BST

Event Location: Almaty (Kazakhstan)

Event Category: Conference

Event Format: Hybrid