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Make a Difference Week (MADW), hosted by the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER), is an annual week of global restoration action where individuals and organizations from around the world host and participate in local volunteer restoration events. Through Make a Difference Week, everyone, everywhere has a chance to positively impact their local communities by engaging in hands-on restoration projects and, ultimately, support the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration's goals to restore Earth's habitats.

How to get involved

There are two ways to get involved with Make a Difference Week — either by hosting a volunteer restoration event during the week, or by volunteering with a local restoration event near you.

Make a Difference Week also aligns with World Environment Day, which is held under the motto of “Accelerating Land Restoration, Drought Resilience & Desertification Progress” this year. You are welcome to consider registering your MADW2024 event as part of World Environment Day as well. To date, 397 restorative events have been hosted as part of Make a Difference Week!

  • Learn more about how to get involved in MADW here.
  • Register your MADW2024 activity for World Environment Day here.

*Banner image by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Kindly share details of any upcoming events related to ecosystem restoration or the UN Decade through our designated form for proper scheduling and coordination. Events that are approved will be promptly posted on www.decadeonrestoration.org

Organized by: Society for Ecological Restoration

Date of Event: 1 - 9 Jun 2024

Event Location: Global

Event Category: Other

Event Format: Hybrid