
Following on from the first workshop in our 'Towards a National Restoration Plan' co-design series, the Restoration Decade Alliance (RDA) is thrilled to invite you (or your delegate) to take part in Workshop 2!

We hope you can join us to contribute your interest, enthusiasm, and expertise in the health of this country's ecosystems as we take the first steps towards setting national targets for ecosystem restoration in Australia.

This co-design series will comprise of a total of three workshops, which will culminate in the development of: a National Ecosystem Restoration Plan as part of the UN Decade of Action on Ecosystem Restoration; a discussion paper; and a symposium and workshop to be presented at the SER World Restoration Conference in Darwin in September.

The Workshop Series

Workshop 1 co-defined the scope and purpose of national targets for the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration exploring:

1. Value perspectives – What are we seeking from targets and from a national restoration plan?
2. Goals and Objectives – What are our goals and objectives for ecosystem restoration in Australia for the decade of action and beyond?

Workshop 2 has a focus on co-designing indicators and targets:

1. Identifying core indicators – How will we measure progress towards restoration? 
2. Identifying targets - Spatial, social and ecological priorities across themes.

Workshop 3 will move the conversation forward towards a National Ecosystem Restoration Plan:

1. Explore how the targets might be used to move us towards a National Ecosystem Restoration Plan.
2. Identify pathways and partnerships for the realisation of a National Plan.

When registering for workshops, you will be asked to nominate the theme(s) of a breakout group in which you are most interested in participating: 

  • Marine/Aquatic/Rivers 
  • Terrestrial 
  • Community

The date for the second Co-Design Workshops has been set for Wednesday May 17th from 1pm-4pm AEST. Workshop 2 aims to co-design indicators and targets for the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

Learn more here. 

Kindly share details of any upcoming events related to ecosystem restoration or the UN Decade through our designated form for proper scheduling and coordination. Events that are approved will be promptly posted on

Date of Event: 17 May 2023

Time of Event: 06:00:AM - 09:00:AM EAT

Event Location: Restoration Decade Alliance

Event Category: Workshop

Event Format: Online