Learn about the best restoration techniques and guidance on all phases of salt marsh and tidal flat restoration projects in the webinar ‘Global launch ‘Guidelines for the Restoration and Creation of Tidal Flats and Saltmarshes’.

Salt marshes and tidal flats support many migratory waterbirds of high conservation concern and other wildlife, are a source of protein-rich food and local income and are critical for coastal protection and carbon storage. While they are under severe pressure, there is increasing movement to restore them as an effective Nature-based Solution to biodiversity loss and climate change.

The guidelines are scientifically rigorous and practically applicable, supporting practitioners and decision-makers to effectively plan, design, implement and evaluate restoration projects, using best practices. They have a particular focus on supporting the restoration and creation of habitats critical for migratory waterbirds. 

Register for the webinar.  

*Photo by Zetong Li on Unsplash 

Kindly share details of any upcoming events related to ecosystem restoration or the UN Decade through our designated form for proper scheduling and coordination. Events that are approved will be promptly posted on www.decadeonrestoration.org

Organized by: Wetlands International

Date of Event: 24 Sep 2024

Time of Event: 02:30:PM - 04:00:PM EAT

Event Location: Nairobi and Online

Event Category: Webinar

Event Format: Hybrid