Regreening Africa

Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia

Desertification affects around 45 per cent of Africa’s land. Regreening Africa is expected to bring 5 million hectares under restoration by 2030, boosting biodiversity and supporting local communities. 

Working across multiple countries assists in identifying successful and scalable local solutions, leverage existing expertise and resources -including local knowledge - and ensuring interventions are appropriate to local contexts.

352,577 Восстановлено (га)
5,000,000 Будет восстановлено к 2030 году (га)
60,000,000 $ в виде необходимого финансирования

“Over half of productive lands in Africa are degraded, with climate change exacerbating this challenge. The good news is restoration works and can bring major benefits to communities – from supporting smallholder famers to helping raise household incomes. As people begin to quickly recognize the benefits of ecosystem restoration, it makes perfect sense to extend regreening practices to more lands and kickstart a renaissance of nature.”
Inger Andersen, Executive Director of UN Environment Programme