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The UN World Restoration Flagships are the most ambitious, promising or successful examples of large-scale ecosystem restoration. They offer an opportunity for initiatives and countries to be globally recognized and celebrated for their restoration success stories. Winning initiatives will also receive technical and financial support of up to USD 500,000 per selected initiative.  (Note that both developing and developed countries are encouraged to apply, but only Flagships based in developing countries will be eligible for financial aid).

The main role of UN World Restoration Flagships is to provide inspiration to other countries and regions for scaling up restoration efforts, and to attract global attention and investments. Selected UN World Restoration Flagships will provide a basis for joint learning around the world.  

At least 10 new Flagships will be selected and announced in 2025. All official Flagships of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration will feature prominently in the UN Decade's publications, campaigns, outreach, advocacy, and education efforts, and will be listed in the UN Secretary-General's Report to the General Assembly (UNGA) at its 81st session.  

Ecosystem restoration takes many forms: from reforesting mountain ranges to helping species return to the beds of oceans and rivers. From greening urban spaces to reviving farmlands and pastures. Today, around the world, thousands of initiatives are underway. Hundreds of thousands of people are already working to revive our planet, but many of these initiatives are unseen. 

Identifying UN World Restoration Flagships will give visibility to initiatives in support of the global mission to restore Earth. It will chronicle their stories, monitor their progress, and inspire new action. Their successes and challenges will provide key lessons for our global restoration movement. 

Selected UN World Restoration Flagships will be celebrated and promoted widely. They will feature prominently in the UN Decade’s communication, digital ecosystem, knowledge products, and monitoring efforts. Restoration Flagships will also be case studies for investors, media, film-makers, and others interested in contributing to the success of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.  

Learn more about the first UN World Restoration Flagships here.  

The UN World Restoration Flagships are the first, best, or most promising examples of large-scale and long-term ecosystem restoration. They already have a tangible and visible impact on the ground. They already have the necessary political and financial support to scale their efforts. The initiatives can come from all ecosystems and any geographic area. They show that bringing back ecosystems from the brink of degradation and loss is possible – and that people around the world are already making it happen. 

UN World Restoration Flagships should go beyond individual projects or organizations. The areas under restoration should be clearly connected in some way – by focusing on a certain region, ecosystem, or distinct restoration approach.  

The UN World Restoration Flagships stand for both achievement and ambition. They combine real successes with significant global restoration potential yet to be unlocked. They are scalable, strategic, and innovative. 

After submitting, the UN World Restoration Flagships entries will be reviewed and selected on a rolling basis, through a transparent and inclusive process led by the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration’s Task Force on Best Practices, in close collaboration with other Task Forces and the Advisory Board. The Task Forces and Advisory Board Members will assess proposed initiatives against the 10 Restoration Principles of the UN Decade. 

Assessment criteria of nominated World Restoration Flagships: 

  • Clearly identifiable geographically.
  • Initial success of restoration: Compliance with the ten principles for ecosystem restoration to demonstrate that part of the nominated area is already under effective, measurable, and well-documented restoration.  
  • Potential for upscaling.
  • Potential for learning and replicability.
  • Additional probability of success.

To ensure strong political support, any nomination has to be endorsed by a Government entity, or by a Regional Organization for regional Flagships. Regional/multi-country flagships must be endorsed by a Regional Organization with a mandate covering the countries of the submitted nomination or all countries affected.

Any partner or group of partners from the UN Decade partner network as well as UNEP or FAO Regional Offices, can provide support to Governments and Regional Organizations in nominating potential World Restoration Flagships.

Countries can nominate more than one Flagship Initiative, but the final selection will aim to ensure diversity of ecosystems and regions.

Application and Submission Process: two steps

  1. Please use this application form to compile the information to nominate a UN World Restoration Flagship Initiative.  

  1. After filling out the online application form, please send to [email protected] the following two documents, in the same email. Important: the subject heading of the email should read: [‘Flagship Application’ – Flagship nickname, Organization name, Sender name].
  • one-page letter of motivation: The letter should include the reasons why the nominated initiative should be selected as a World Restoration Flagship for the UN Decade. Please note that letters of motivation longer than 1 page will not be considered by the review panel.
  • Letter of Endorsement by a Government entity, or by a Regional Organization for regional Flagships (template available here).

Only submissions by UN Decade Partners, Government entities or Regional Organizations received by 31 May 2024 can be considered for the new UN World Restoration Flagships.  

For any questions or comments, please contact us by email to [email protected].