
《乌干达回收湖水垃圾,制造创新旅游船》,美联社 Recycling lake litter, Ugandan makes innovative tourist boat, Associated Press. 阅读全文 

《全球湖泊水位上升,气候变化是罪魁祸首》,《新科学家》Lake levels are rising across the world and climate change is to blame, New Scientist. 阅读全文

《专家表示:拯救美国第二大水库,我们需要改变》,《华盛顿邮报》Changes needed to save second-largest U.S. reservoir, experts say, The Washington Post, 阅读全文

《印度:邦德尔坎德邦妇女为用水安全复兴水塘》 India: Women revive ponds for water security in Bundelkhand, Mongabay. 阅读全文

《研究表明:为保障生物多样性,需关注城区水塘》Urban ponds require attention to ensure biodiversity, shows study, Phys.org. 阅读全文

《生态先行,中国高原湖泊生物多样性改善》,央视网 Plateau lake sees increased biodiversity as ecology prioritized, CCTV. 阅读全文

《“消失中的湖泊”:博科圣地叛乱与气候危机叙事政治》 ‘The tale of the disappearing lake’: The Boko Haram insurgency and the narrative politics of the climate crisis, New National Star. 阅读全文



《新研究表明,气候变化可能在世界上最大的沙漠湖中引发洪水》Climate change could spark floods in the world’s largest desert lake: new study. 阅读完整故事

《消失中的湖泊》The tale of a disappearing lake. 阅读完整故事

《共享肯尼亚碱湖的益处》Sharing the benefits of Kenya’s soda lakes. 阅读完整故事

《因缺乏水质数据,全球有30亿人面临健康风险》Globally, 3 billion people at health risk due to scarce data on water quality. 阅读完整故事

《湖泊面临的相互关联的威胁,以及我们需要保护湖泊的原因》The interlinked threats facing lakes and why we need to protect them. 阅读完整故事

《关于可持续湖泊管理全球决议,你需要知道的事》What you need to know about the global resolution on sustainable lake management. 阅读完整故事 



Nadya Hutagalung - UN Lakes. 观看完整视频